Accredited Pet Gundog Instructor June 2019
Puppy Training Classes Somerset
Following 17 months of writing monthly homework and three weekly practical workshops, June 2019 has seen a new bunch of Accredited Pet Gundog Instructors. The new recruits are joining join the existing group of 5 APG Instructors who received their certificates 12 months ago. We are delighted and congratulate Christine Collins to her accreditation and wish her the best of luck and success with her new venture Town and Country Dog Training which she runs from the heart of Somerset. Her training grounds are in easy reach of Bath, Frome, Bruton, Wells and Castle Cary. Get in touch today to books your initial lesson or subscribe to one of her classes.
Christine Collins - Accredited Pet Gundog Instructor June 2019 - APGI
Christine Collins out training on her grounds in the heart of Somerset with her two Working Golden Retrievers
Town and Country Dog Training focuses on supporting you to develop your pet gundog into a well-trained and good-mannered companion you can be proud of wherever you go; may it be out in the countryside or in the middle of a town.